Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sicko movie

Congrats to Michael Moore for another revealing portrayal of another of the US's ills. Yes, rich we are as a nation in many ways but couple riches with distribution of riches and the US is a very, very skewed nation.

Low and middle income America are the crutches of this country's wealthy. They lean on us to make them every increasingly rich. Yet, it is the crutch that's beginning to show much wear from the pressures to make more and more and more! To help the rich get richer, the working class has sacrificed much needed mental and physical rejuvenation (as the Germans call it). Vacations basically are non-existent for working families.

While we have fantastic opportunity for quality health care, insurance companies (driven by profit - ah, that basic under girth of capitialism - prevents access to that quality health care for millions.

This nation is becoming sicker and sicker by the hour! We don't even say XXL for giant size clothing now. It is now "extended sizes"! Come on citizens of this declining country, it's time to rise up and get involved in pulling our nation out of the grip of the politicians and wealthy!